Parent Teacher Association of PS32
The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) of PS32 is a group of parents and staff dedicated to expanding the resources of PS32, advocating for families, and sharing decisions in our community. If you have a kid at PS32 or work at the school, YOU are a member of the PTA.
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Donate Now to the Annual Fund
Click “Donate” to make your contribution via PayPal:
The PS32 Spring Auction
The Spring Auction is an event for parents, teachers, and staff to come together for a night of food, drinks, music AND amazing auction items – all to benefit our kids. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year, bringing in more than HALF of the PTA's annual budget! The funds we raise will go directly to program support for core and specialty classes; enrichment activities and afterschool programming; family and community events; building improvements, and critical resources for our children, such as supplies and learning tools.
To donate, sponsor or purchase tickets, click the following link: SUPPORT THE SPRING AUCTION
For questions, email us at
2024-2025 PTA Executive Board:
Alethia Constantino and Alexandra Muschamp: Co-Presidents
Susan Forman and Brynne Lehner: Co-Vice Presidents
Michelle Leeds and Lisa Mathewson: Co-Secretaries
Marie Onaga and Sarah Sanchala: Co-Treasurers
For questions, email us at
The rules that the PTA follows are the bylaws.